Monday, September 14, 2015

We are continuing our experiments with online magazines.  Flipster costs less and seems even easier to use than the vendor we tried last year.  They also have a better match with the magazines we subscribed to in print.  It seems  just wonderful to be able to offer great titles that everyone can read from anywhere at any time.  Want to give it a try? click the Flipster link above, Scan the QR code or click the Flipster graphic on the library website ( and get full access to:
Art News, Backpacker, Cicada, Cobblestone, Cricket, Dig, Faces, Horse and Rider, Muse, Newsweek, Popular Science, Rolling Stone, Vegetarian Times, The Week, and Yoga Journal 
to read on all your devices.  To read offline, download the EBSCO Flipster app.  On campus you go directly to the magazines.  Off campus, you will be asked for a username and password;  use our generic one -  ssfs and friends  Give it a try and let you librarians know what you think.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The 15th Library of Congress National Book Festival will take place Saturday, Sept. 5, 2015, and feature more than 170 authors, poets, illustrators and special presenters. To mark this anniversary, as well as the the 200th anniversary of the Library's acquisition of Thomas Jefferson’s personal library, the festival has as its theme Jefferson's quote, "I Cannot Live Without Books."  For more information on this free event, including a detailed schedule and a listing of authors, click here  or visit the festival's Facebook page.

To download the National Book Festival App, visit the Library of Congress Apps page at